Trump Meme Coin foresees a promising future, riding on the innovative trend of meme culture and influenced by Donald Trump's legacy.


Trump Meme Coin is a digital currency inspired by the phenomenon of internet memes and the legacy of Donald Trump. Designed to encapsulate the spirit of online culture and the influence of a prominent figure, it aims to create a community-driven ecosystem for enthusiasts and investors alike. With its roots in humor and modern expression, the coin seeks to provide a unique and engaging experience within the cryptocurrency space, fostering innovation and connectivity among its users.



To download the Solana wallet from the Google Play Store:

1. Access Google Play Store: Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
2. Search: In the search bar of the Play Store, type "Solana Wallet" and search for it.
3. Install: Find the Solana wallet app in the search results, tap on its icon to go to the app page, and then click on the "Install" button to download and install the app.
4. Setup: Once installed, open the app and follow the prompts to create a new personal wallet.

For desktop users to create a Solana wallet using the Chrome extension:

1. Access Google Play Store: Open the Google Play Store app on your Android device.
2. Search: In the search bar of the Play Store, type "Solana Wallet" and search for it.
3. Install: Find the Solana wallet app in the search results, tap on its icon to go to the app page, and then click on the "Install" button to download and install the app.
4. Setup: Once installed, open the app and follow the prompts to create a new personal wallet.

Here's a guide on how to trade and swap on Raydium:

For more detailed information, you can refer to

Mint Address: CM6JR864fPkM321BACYxFKRjL4HaWaFG3Hn9VEqxY2ew

1. Access Raydium DEX: Visit the official website of Raydium ( and log in to Raydium DEX.
2. Connect Wallet: Click on the "Connect Wallet" button at the top right corner of the screen to connect your preferred wallet. You can use a Solana wallet.
3. Select Trading Pair: Choose the trading pair by clicking on the "Select Pair" dropdown menu in the "Trade" section. Select the pair of tokens you want to trade.
4. Enter Trade Details: Input the token and the amount you wish to trade. Once you've selected the token and the amount, the trade details will automatically update.
5. Confirm Trade: Review the trade details and click the "Swap" button to execute the trade. Make sure to confirm wallet connection and transaction fees.
6. Trade Completion: After a successful trade, you'll see the transaction details, and the newly acquired assets will reflect in your wallet.
7. Following these steps will allow you to easily trade and swap on Raydium DEX.


Token Supply



  • Phase 1: Meme
  • Phase 2: Vibe and HODL
  • Phase 3: Meme Takeover


Trump Coin has no association with Donald Trump or his presidency. This token simply pays tribute to the legacy of a figure many recognize and respect.

Trump Coin is a meme coin with no inherent value or expectation of financial gain. There is no official team or roadmap. The coin serves no practical purpose and is purely for entertainment.